* 2 Pac Polyaspartic with upto 100% Solids and full UV stable
* Dries in 2 hours and multiplke coats can be given in one day/night.
* Can be used on most surfaces like:
Tiles, natural stone, concrete, timber, vinyl, metals, engineered stone, pebble Crete, walls, ceilings, pipes, wall tiles, glass, aluminium, pavers, any substrate
- Bathrooms & Showers
- pool areas
- Stairs & walkways
- Kitchens & Laundries
- Driveways
- Garages
- Fences
- Colour bond
Commercial – Industrial:
- Entry Foyer
- Walkways & Stairs
- Pools areas
- Bathrooms
- Wash area
- Laundry
- Food Prep areas
- Kitchens
- Service bar
- Driveways
- Car parks
- Plant rooms
- Storerooms
- Walkways & Stairs
- Entry Foyers
- Wash areas
- Balconies
- Pool areas
- BBQ areas
- Garbage areas
- Walls
- Planters
- Car parks
- Stairs,
- Decks
- Bathrooms
- Foyers
- Gym
- Surf Boards
- Rescue Boats
- Marinas
- Ships
- Cruises
- Public Vessels
- Transport
- Rail & Busses
- Roads
Part AÂ Â 4L, 10L, 20L, 200L, 1000L
Part BÂ Â 4L, 10L, 20L, 200L, 1000L
Clear and most earth colours and shades of greys to charcoal, Safety colours & Line Marking Colours. Please Note that colours will cost extra depending on the size of the kits.
Satin, Semi Gloss, High Gloss & Super High Gloss.
Spread Rate:
Spread Rate depends on surface porosity. Can be rolled, brushed or sprayed on.
* Ground concrete / Timber 150 to 200 square meters per Litre mixed. 12 mm nap roller
* Polished Concrete 200 to 300 square meters per Litre mixed.
* Fibreglass / Steel / Tiles 300 to 400 square meter per Litre mixed.
Non Slip Rating:
P2 to P5 and Higher Ramp Rated.
Xylene or our eco friendly solution (80% Less Odour than Xylene)
Contact us for more info as it comes in various options.
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